2021, Chair of the steering committee, HPC Certification Forum
2021, Member of the OSSG Committee, BCS Open Source Specialist Group
2021, IO-500 steering committee, The Virtual Institute for IO
2021, Steering committee member, ISC High Performance
2020, Chair of the steering committee, HPC Certification Forum
2020, Member of the OSSG Committee, BCS Open Source Specialist Group
2020, IO-500 steering committee, The Virtual Institute for IO
2020, Steering committee member, ISC High Performance
2019, Chair of the steering committee, HPC Certification Forum
2019, Member of the OSSG Committee, BCS Open Source Specialist Group
2019, IO-500 steering committee, The Virtual Institute for IO
2019, Student travel grant committee member, ISC High Performance
2019, Steering committee member, ISC High Performance
2018, Chair of the steering committee, HPC Certification Forum
2018, Member of the OSSG Committee, BCS Open Source Specialist Group
2018, IO-500 steering committee, The Virtual Institute for IO
2018, Student travel grant committee member, ISC High Performance
2018, Project poster chair, ISC High Performance
2018, Advisory board member, International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Europar)
2018, Steering committee member, ISC High Performance
2017, IO-500 steering committee,
2017, Research publication chair, ISC High Performance
2017, Track chair, Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP-2017), Software Systems and Programming Models track
2017, Steering committee member, ISC High Performance
2017, Project poster chair, ISC High Performance
2017, Advisory board member, International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Europar)
2016, Research publication chair, ISC High Performance
2016, Project proposal reviewer, Exascale Computing Project, Department of Energy
2016, Steering committee member, ISC High Performance
2016, Steering committee member, Exascale 10 initiative (EIOW, an EOFS workgroup)
2015, Project proposal reviewer, Funding Opportunity Announcement, Storage Systems and Input/Output for Extreme Scale Science (DE-FOA-0001338), Department of Energy
2015, Project proposal reviewer, Anwendungsorientierte HPC-Software für das Hoch- und Höchstleistungsrechnen in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft, BMBF
2015, Steering committee member, ISC High Performance
2015, Co-chair for the research paper sessions, ISC High Performance
2015, Research poster chair, ISC High Performance
2015, Steering committee member, Exascale 10 initiative (EIOW, an EOFS workgroup)
2014, Co-chair for the research paper sessions, International Supercomputing Conference (ISC)
2014, Research poster chair, International Supercomputing Conference (ISC)
2014, Steering committee member, Exascale 10 initiative (EIOW, an EOFS workgroup)
2013, Co-chair for the research paper sessions, International Supercomputing Conference (ISC)
2013, Steering committee member, Exascale 10 initiative (EIOW, an EOFS workgroup)
2012, Co-chair for the research paper sessions, International Supercomputing Conference (ISC)
2012, Steering committee member, Exascale 10 initiative (EIOW, an EOFS workgroup)
2011, Co-chair for the research paper sessions, International Supercomputing Conference (ISC)
2010, Co-chair for the research paper sessions, International Supercomputing Conference (ISC)