Michaela Zimmer


External websitehttps://wr.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/people/michaela_zimmer

  • Poster: SIOX: An Infrastructure for Monitoring and Optimization of HPC-I/O (Julian Kunkel, Michaela Zimmer, Marc Wiedemann, Nathanael Hübbe, Alvaro Aguilera, Holger Mickler, Xuan Wang, Andrij Chut, Thomas Bönisch), ISC'14 Leipzig, 2014-06-23 BibTeX URL
  • Predicting Performance of Non-Contiguous I/O with Machine Learning (Julian Kunkel, Eugen Betke, Michaela Zimmer), In Parallel Data Storage Workshop (PDSW), Work in progress session, pp. 43–48, SC14, New Orleans, 2014 BibTeX URL
  • A Comparison of Trace Compression Methods for Massively Parallel Applications in Context of the SIOX Project (Alvaro Aguilera, Holger Mickler, Julian Kunkel, Michaela Zimmer, Marc Wiedemann, Ralph Müller-Pfefferkorn), In Tools for High Performance Computing 2013, pp. 91–105, ISBN: 978-3-319-08143-4, 2014 BibTeX
  • The SIOX Architecture – Coupling Automatic Monitoring and Optimization of Parallel I/O (Julian Kunkel, Michaela Zimmer, Nathanael Hübbe, Alvaro Aguilera, Holger Mickler, Xuan Wang, Andrij Chut, Thomas Bönisch, Jakob Lüttgau, Roman Michel, Johann Weging), In Supercomputing, Supercomputing, pp. 245–260, (Editors: Julian Kunkel, Thomas Ludwig, Hans Meuer), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISC events, ISC'14, Leipzig, ISBN: 978-3-319-07517-4, 2014 BibTeX DOI PDF
  • Towards Self-optimization in HPC I/O (Michaela Zimmer, Julian Kunkel, Thomas Ludwig), In Supercomputing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (7905), pp. 422–434, (Editors: Julian Kunkel, Thomas Ludwig, Hans Werner Meuer), Springer (Berlin, Heidelberg), ISC 2013, Leipzig, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-642-38749-4, ISSN: 0302-9743, 2013-06 BibTeX DOI PDF
  • Towards I/O Analysis of HPC Systems and a Generic Architecture to Collect Access Patterns (Marc Wiedemann, Julian Kunkel, Michaela Zimmer, Thomas Ludwig, Michael Resch, Thomas Bönisch, Xuan Wang, Andriy Chut, Alvaro Aguilera, Wolfgang E. Nagel, Michael Kluge, Holger Mickler), In Computer Science - Research and Development, Series: 28, pp. 241–251, Springer New York Inc. (Hamburg, Berlin, Heidelberg), ISSN: 1865-2034, 2013-05 BibTeX URL PDF

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