Sadegh Keshtkar |
Since December 15, 2022, Mr. Sadegh Keshtkar has been an AI Developer in the “Computing” working group (AG C). He completed his second Master's in Computer Science at Tu Berlin and is now pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science at GWDG, under the supervision of Prof. Julian Kunkel. At Tu Berlin, his Master's thesis focused on studying how an automated red teaming agent learns using deep reinforcement learning. For his Ph.D., he's diving into federated learning's characteristics, exploring ways to improve this area of study with Prof. Kunkel's guidance.
ORCID: 0000-0002-4683-0136
Research Interests
- Federated learning
- Reinforcement learning
- Application of machine learning methods
Open Thesis Topics
- Learning to Attack: Automated Red Teaming Using Deep Reinforcement Learning, Sadegh Keshtkar (Master's Thesis), Advisors: Sahin Albayrak, 2022-05, BibTeX
All publications as BibTex