Infinite Storage
Infinite Possibilities
High-Performance Storage
The research group High-Performance Storage improves the capabilities of storage landscapes applying smart concepts. We speak big data analytics and high-performance computing and apply our knowledge to meet the needs of environmental modeling.
Further information about our mission.
The HPS group is tightly integrated into the GWDG AG Computing group with more than 25 people.
- 2021-06-01: Julian is now Professor in High-Performance Computing at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and the deputy head High-Performance Computing at the GWDG.
- 2020-09-30: Julian is guest editor of the special issue “High-Performance Computing Algorithms and their Applications 2021” in MDPI's journal Algorithms
- 2019-09-08: Listen to the Radio Free HPC podcast with the IO-500 team
- 2019-08-25: BCS interview: Inside the Open Source Community
- 2019-07-23: Today our new wordcloud with search functionality is live, check it out below!
- 2019-07-19: Apply today for a 3-year PostDoc position for developing next generation of storage solutions for earth-science
- 2019-06-20: NVIDIA announces our collaboration as part of the NVIDIA AI Technology Center
- 2019-05-27: The HPC Vision document to which we contributed is online
- 2019-01-10: Apply today for a short term PostDoc position for developing next generation of storage solutions for earth-science
Events in 2022
Blog news
- Email security with Postfix/DKIM/DMARC on Ubuntu 20.04 (2020-07-20 11:56)
- Green screen remover (2018-05-01 20:57)
- Impact of KPTI on the IO-500 for DKRZ (2018-01-23 10:58)
- Fine grained Impact of KPTI on HPC nodes I/O performance (2018-01-23 10:40)
- Impact of KPTI on HPC storage performance (2018-01-19 18:06)
Explore our research using the power of machine learning, click on a keyword to see relevant documents.
Ongoing projects with HPS involvement
Recent talks
- Data at Scale in ESiWACE: Progress of WP4 (Bryan Lawrence, Dr. Julian Kunkel), ESiWACE Annual General Assembly, Virtual, 2021-09-27 Presentation
- Input/Output and Middleware (Dr. Julian Kunkel), Summer School on Effective HPC for Climate and Weathe, Virtual, 2021-08-23 Presentation Video
- Lifting the user I/O abstraction to workflow level a possibility or in vain? (Dr. Julian Kunkel), Dagstuhl Seminar, Schloß Dagstuhl, 2021-08-16 Presentation
- Data Systems at Scale in Climate and Weather (Dr. Julian Kunkel), Hidalgo Workshop, Virtual, 2021-07-09 Presentation
- A Workflow for Identifying Jobs with Similar I/O Behavior Utilizing Time Series Analysis (Dr. Julian Kunkel), HPC IODC Workshop, Virtual, 2021-07-02 Presentation
Recent publications
- Scalable Software Distribution for HPC-Systems Using MPI-Based File Systems in User Space (Jakob Dieterle, Hendrik Nolte, Julian Kunkel), November 17, 2024 BibTeX URL
- A Quantitative and Qualitative Comparison of Machine Learning Inference Frameworks (Egi Brako, Julian Kunkel, Jonathan Decker), November 17, 2024 BibTeX URL
- Scalable Software Distribution for HPC-Systems Using MPI-Based File Systems in User Space (Jakob Dieterle, Hendrik Nolte, Julian Kunkel), November 17, 2024 BibTeX URL
- A Quantitative and Qualitative Comparison of Machine Learning Inference Frameworks (Egi Brako, Julian Kunkel, Jonathan Decker), November 17, 2024 BibTeX URL
- Poster: Automatic Instrumentation and PGO Optimiziation of HPC Compute Dwarfs (Anja Gerbes, Panagiotis Adamidis, Julian Kunkel), 2025-06-11 BibTeX PDF
Recent theses
- Analyse und Optimierung von Ein-/Ausgabe von DeepLearning Piplines für Hochleistungsrechnersysteme, Katrena Shihada (Bachelor's Thesis), Advisors: Prof. Dr. Julian Kunkel, Sven Bingert, 2024-09, BibTeX