
  • \myPub{2021}{Input/Output and Middleware}{Summer School on Effective HPC for Climate and Weathe}{Virtual}
  • \myPub{}{Lifting the user I/O abstraction to workflow level a possibility or in vain?}{Dagstuhl Seminar}{Schloß Dagstuhl}
  • \myPub{}{Data Systems at Scale in Climate and Weather}{Hidalgo Workshop}{Virtual}
  • \myPub{}{A Workflow for Identifying Jobs with Similar I/O Behavior Utilizing Time Series Analysis}{HPC IODC Workshop}{Virtual}
  • \myPub{}{The Virtual Institute for I/O}{IO500 Release ISC 2021}{ISC HPC}
  • \myPub{}{Data-Centric Computing for the Next Generation}{BoF session}{ISC HPC 2021}
  • \myPub{}{The HPC Certification Forum in 2021}{}{HPC Certification Forum Annual Meeting}
  • \myPub{2020}{Smart Processing for Extreme Data}{Virtual}{Georg-August-Universität Göttingen}
  • \myPub{}{A Workflow for Identifying Jobs with Similar I/O Behavior Utilizing Time Series Analysis}{CHPC Conference}{CHPC Conference}
  • \myPub{}{The Virtual Institute for I/O}{IO500 Release Supercomputing Conference 2020}{Virtual}
  • \myPub{}{Beyond OpenSource Software – The Open Source Specialist Group}{BCS Open Source Specialist Group Meeting}{Virtual}
  • \myPub{}{Beyond OpenSource Software}{Hacktoberfest}{Virtual}
  • \myPub{}{Open HPC Certification and Relationship to OSS}{BCS Open Source Specialist Group Meeting}{Virtual}
  • \myPub{}{Welcome to the Summer School on Effective HPC for Climate and Weather}{BCS Open Source Specialist Group Meeting}{Virtual}
  • \myPub{}{Welcome to the HPC IODC workshop}{HPC IODC Workshop}{Virtual}
  • \myPub{}{Data Systems at Scale in Climate and Weather: Activities in the ESiWACE Project}{HPC IODC Workshop}{Virtual}
  • \myPub{}{Open Source Software for Scientific and Parallel Computing}{BCS Open Source Specialist Group Meeting}{Virtual}
  • \myPub{}{Data-Centric IO: Potential for Climate/Weather}{6th ENES HPC Workshop}{Virtual/Hamburg, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Progress of WP4: Data at Scale}{ESiWACE General Assembly}{Virtual/Hamburg, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{About the HPC Certification Forum}{HPC Certification Workshop}{Virtual}
  • \myPub{}{About the HPC Certification Forum}{HPC Certification Workshop}{Virtual}
  • \myPub{}{Toward Next Generation Interfaces for Exploiting Workflows}{SIG IO UK}{University of Reading, Reading, UK}
  • \myPub{}{Potential of I/O-Aware Workflows in Climate and Weather}{Supercomputing Frontiers Europe}{Virtual/Warshaw Poland}
  • \myPub{}{Challenges and Approaches for Extreme Data Processing}{EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training Mathematics of Planet Earth}{University of Reading, Reading, UK}
  • \myPub{2019}{Smarter Management using Metadata and Workflow Expertise}{BoF: Knowledge Is Power: Unleashing the Potential of Your Archives Through Metadata}{Supercomputing, Denver, USA}
  • \myPub{}{Tracking User-Perceived I/O Slowdown via Probing}{BoF: Analyzing Parallel I/O}{Supercomputing, Denver, USA}
  • \myPub{}{The Virtual Institute of I/O}{BoF: The IO500 and The Virtual Institute of I/O}{Supercomputing, Denver, USA}
  • \myPub{}{Exploiting Different Storage Types with the Earth-System Data Middleware}{Parallel Data Systems Workshop}{Supercomputing, Denver, USA}
  • \myPub{}{Contributing HPC Skills to the HPC Certification Forum}{BPHTE19 Workshop}{Supercomputing, Denver, USA}
  • \myPub{}{Using Deep Learning to Identify Atmospheric Features}{1st Artificial Intelligence for Copernicus Workshop}{ECMWF, Reading, UK}
  • \myPub{}{OpenSource Software}{Hacktoberfest}{University of Reading, Reading, UK}
  • \myPub{}{The Earth-System Data Middleware: An Approach for Heterogeneous Storage Infrastructure}{SPPEXA Final Symposium}{Dresden, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Scientific Data Compression with SCIL}{SPPEXA Final Symposium}{Dresden, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Utilizing Heterogeneous Storage Infrastructures via the Earth-System Data Middleware}{NEXTGenIO Workshop on applications of NVRAM storage to exascale I/O}{ECMWF, Reading, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{One Year HPC Certification Forum in Retrospective}{Workshop on HPC Education and Training for Emerging Technologies (HETET19)}{ISC HPC, Frankfurt, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Data-Centric I/O and Next Generation Interfaces}{HPC IODC Workshop}{ISC HPC, Frankfurt, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Tracking User-Perceived I/O Slowdown via Probing}{HPC IODC Workshop}{ISC HPC, Frankfurt, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{The goldilocks node: getting the RAM just right}{BoF: Data-Centric I/O}{ISC HPC, Frankfurt, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{High-Level Workflows – Potential for Innovation? The NGI Initiative and More}{BoF: Data-Centric I/O}{ISC HPC, Frankfurt, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{The Virtual Institute for IO}{BoF: The IO-500 and the Virtual Institute for IO}{ISC HPC, Frankfurt, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{The HPC Certification Program}{BoF: International HPC Certification Program}{ISC HPC, Frankfurt, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Fighting the Data Deluge with Data-Centric Middleware}{PASC Minisymposium: The Exabyte Data Challenge}{Zürich, Switzerland}
  • \myPub{}{The importance of AI for high-performance I/O}{BSSG Open source AI workshop}{University of Reading, UK}
  • \myPub{}{Strategic Planning Agenda}{ACES Strategy Meeting}{Reading, UK}
  • \myPub{}{ESiWACE WP4: Highlights, challenges and outlook}{ESiWACE General Assembly}{Hamburg, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{The HPC Certification Program}{HPC-SIG meeting}{London, UK}
  • \myPub{}{Challenges and Approaches for Extreme Data Processing}{}{Köln, Germany}
  • \myPub{2018}{Opportunities for Integrating I/O Capabilities with Cylc}{Cylc Weather User Group; Supercomputing 2018}{Dallas, USA}
  • \myPub{}{The HPC Certification Program}{BoF: HPC Certification Program; Supercomputing 2018}{Dallas, USA}
  • \myPub{}{The Virtual Institute for I/O}{BoF: The IO-500 and the Virtual Institute for I/O; Supercomputing 2018}{Dallas, USA}
  • \myPub{}{Using Benchmarks to Understand Performance Behavior}{BoF: Analyzing Parallel I/O; Supercomputing 2018}{Dallas, USA}
  • \myPub{}{Towards an HPC Certification Program}{Fifth SC Workshop on Best Practices for HPC Training and Education; Supercomputing 2018}{Dallas, USA}
  • \myPub{}{Status of WP4: Exploitability}{ESiWACE review meeting}{DKRZ, Hamburg, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Introducing the HPC Certification Program}{SIGHPC Education – Webinar}{Internet}
  • \myPub{}{OpenSource Software}{Hacktoberfest}{Thames Tower, Reading, UK}
  • \myPub{}{PeCoH – Performance Conscious HPC: Status}{8. HPC-Status-Konferenz der Gauß-Allianz}{Erlangen, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Overcoming Storage Issues of Earth-System Data with Intelligent Storage Systems}{18th Workshop on high performance computing in meteorology}{ECMWF, Reading, UK}
  • \myPub{}{RD&E in Compression}{NCAS Meeting}{Reading, UK}
  • \myPub{}{Challenges and Opportunities for I/O}{Gung Ho Networking Meeting}{Reading, UK}
  • \myPub{}{Understanding Metadata Latency with MDWorkbench}{WOPSSS}{Frankfurt, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Cost and Performance Modeling for Earth System Data Management and Beyond}{HPC IODC Workshop}{Frankfurt, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Community Development of Next Generation Semantic Interfaces}{Joint session of the HPC IODC Workshop and WOPSSS}{Frankfurt, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{The Virtual Institute of I/O}{BoF: The IO-500 and the Virtual Institute of I/O, ISC HPC}{Frankfurt, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{The Need for Next Generation Semantic Interfaces to Process Climate/Weather Workflows}{SIG IO UK}{University of Reading, UK}
  • \myPub{}{Towards Intelligent Storage Systems}{Computer Science Workshop}{University of Reading, UK}
  • \myPub{}{Exploiting the Heterogeneous Storage Landscape in a Data Center}{Per3s: Performance and Scalability of Storage Systems Workshop}{Rennes, France}
  • \myPub{2017}{Exploiting Weather and Climate Data at Scale (WP4)}{ESiWACE General Assembly}{Berlin, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{The Virtual Institute for I/O and the IO-500}{BoF: The Virtual Institute for I/O and the IO-500}{Denver, USA}
  • \myPub{}{Establishing the IO-500 Benchmark}{PDSW/DISC Workshop WiP session}{Denver, USA}
  • \myPub{}{Towards new storage interfaces – chance or curse?}{Workshop: Exascale I/O for Unstructured Grids}{DKRZ, Hamburg, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Empowering Scientists with Domain Specific Languages}{SciCADE 2017}{Bath, UK}
  • \myPub{}{IO-500 Status}{Data Benchmarking Workshop}{LBNL, USA}
  • \myPub{}{Metadata Issues}{Data Benchmarking Workshop}{LBNL, USA}
  • \myPub{}{MPI-IO In-Memory Storage with the Kove XPD}{Workshop on Performance and Scalability of Storage Systems (WOPSSS)}{Frankfurt, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Lustre at DKRZ}{ISC HPC, BoF: EOFS}{Frankfurt, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Fortran Test Generator: Automatic and Flexible Unit Test Generation for Legacy HPC Code}{ISC HPC, Poster session}{Frankfurt, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Decoupling the Selection of Compression Algorithms from Required Precision with the Scientific Compression Library (SCIL)}{ISC HPC, Poster session}{Frankfurt, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{BoF: The Virtual Institute for I/O and the IO-500}{ISC HPC}{Frankfurt, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Research Achievements and Perspectives for HPC and Earth Science}{}{Reading, UK}
  • \myPub{}{Big Data Analytics}{DKRZ Tour “Computational Sciences in Engineering”}{Hamburg, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Analysis of Input/Output Phenomena using Statistics and Machine Learning}{}{HAW, Hamburg}
  • \myPub{}{Visual Analytics}{}{HAW, Hamburg}
  • \myPub{}{Metadata/Small File Benchmarking and Status of the IO-500}{Workshop on Understanding I/O Performance Behavior (UIOP)}{DKRZ, Hamburg, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Advanced Computation and I/O Methods for Earth-System Simulations Status update}{SPPEXA Annual Plenary Meeting}{Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, Munich, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{AIMES: Status of the Project}{AIMES Face-to-face Meeting}{Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, Munich, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{AIMES Status Report: University of Hamburg}{AIMES Face-to-face Meeting}{Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, Munich, Germany}
  • \myPub{2016}{BoF: The Virtual Institute for I/O and the IO-500}{Supercomputing Conference}{Salt Lake City, USA}
  • \myPub{}{Statistical File Characterization and Status Update: Monitoring at DKRZ}{BoF: Analyzing Parallel I/O, Supercomputing Conference}{Salt Lake City, USA}
  • \myPub{}{Middleware for Earth System Data}{PDSW-DISC Workshop}{Salt Lake City, USA}
  • \myPub{}{MPI-IO In-Memory Storage with the Kove XPD}{PDSW-DISC Workshop}{Salt Lake City, USA}
  • \myPub{}{Performance Conscious HPC (PeCoH) Kickoff}{PeCoH Kickoff}{Hamburg, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Additional I/O Considerations}{Bull cooperation meeting}{Grenoble, France}
  • \myPub{}{Analyzing Data Properties Using Statistical Sampling Techniques – Illustrated on Scientific File Formats and Compression Features}{HPC-IODC Workshop}{Frankfurt, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Lustre at DKRZ}{Lustre BoF, ISC High Performance}{Frankfurt, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Analyzing Data Properties Using Statistical Sampling Techniques – Illustrated on Scientific File Formats and Compression Features}{ISC High Performance}{Frankfurt, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{I/O Benchmarking}{JAMSTEC cooperation}{Hamburg, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{BoF: VI4IO: The I/O Community Hosting the High-Performance Storage List}{ISC High Performance}{Frankfurt, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{I/O Perspectives for Earth Science Data}{MPI-M/DKRZ joint I/O workshop}{Hamburg, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Advanced Computation and I/O Methods for Earth-System Simulations (AIMES)}{SPPEXA annual symposium}{Munich, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{AIMES overview, contributions of WR to WPs}{AIMES kickoff meeting}{Munich, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Compression (in HDF5) in the projects ICOMEX and AIMES}{Informal meeting}{Hamburg, Germany}
  • \myPub{2015}{WP2: Efficient input/output of very large data sets}{Bull Cooperation Kickoff}{Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Interaktiver C Kurs (ICP)}{Campus Innovation}{Hamburg, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{SIOX: A flexible approach}{BoF: Analyzing Parallel I/O, Supercomputing Conference}{Austin, USA}
  • \myPub{}{Monitoring plans at DKRZ}{BoF: Analyzing Parallel I/O, Supercomputing Conference}{Austin, USA}
  • \myPub{}{Future CS Trends and IO}{Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology Retreat}{Germany}
  • \myPub{}{High-Performance I/O at Mistral}{DKRZ user workshop}{Hamburg, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Mistral Supercomputer I/O}{CluStor Workshop}{Hamburg, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Analyzing and Assessing I/O Performance}{CluStor Workshop}{Hamburg, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Predicting Performance of Non-Contiguous I/O with Machine Learning}{International Supercomputing Conference}{Frankfurt, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{I/O at the German Climate Computing Center}{International Supercomputing Conference}{Frankfurt, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Advanced Computation and I/O Methods for Earth-System Simulations (AIMES)}{SPPEXA applicant colloquium}{Bonn, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Domain-specific Language Development}{Group seminar, University of Hamburg}{Hamburg, Germany}
  • \myPub{2014}{Challenges in HPC I/O}{University of Basel}{Basel, Switzerland}
  • \myPub{}{Monitoring Energy Consumption With SIOX – Autonomous Monitoring Triggered by Abnormal Energy Consumption}{Energy-Aware High Performance Computing Conference}{Dresden, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{The SIOX Architecture – Coupling Automatic Monitoring and Optimization of Parallel I/O}{International Supercomputing Conference}{Leipzig}
  • \myPub{}{Deficiencies in I/O and the Future with E10}{EOFS breakfast meeting, International Supercomputing Conference}{Leipzig, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Exascale 10 – High-Level Architecture}{BoF: Towards Exascale I/O with E10, International Supercomputing Conference}{Leipzig, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Introductions to the SIOX Architecture}{BoF: Autonomic I/O Optimization, International Supercomputing Conference}{Leipzig, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Exascale 10 – High-Level Architecture}{CluStor I/O Workshop}{Hamburg, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Advancing Independent Non-Contiguous I/O}{CluStor I/O Workshop}{Hamburg, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Hochleistungsrechnen: Einblicke in Leistungsanalyse und Speichersysteme der Zukunft}{Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald}{Greifswald, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{I/O Interfaces Will Change – Chance or Curse for Programmers?}{ICOMEX project meeting}{Offenbach, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{ICOMEX}{G8 Initiative – Final Review Meeting}{Princeton, USA}
  • \myPub{}{Challenges in Understanding, Optimizing and Procuring Storage Systems}{CSCS Storage Workshop}{Lugano, Switzerland}
  • \myPub{}{Lessions learned from G8 ICOMEX: ICOsahedral-grid Models for Exascale Earth System Simulations}{ENES Workshop on Exascale Technologies and Innovation in HPC for Climate Models}{Hamburg, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Monitoring, Simulation and Autonomous Optimization of Parallel I/O}{Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung, Johannes Gutenberg Universität}{Mainz, Germany}
  • \myPub{2013}{Guiding Parallel I/O – The Semantical Gap}{ZKI-Tagung AK Supercomputing}{Darmstadt, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Monitoring and Optimization of I/O-Performance with SIOX}{HPC-Status-Konferenz der Gauß-Allianz}{Dresden, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Using Simulation to Validate Performance of MPI(-IO) Implementations}{International Supercomputing Conference}{Leipzig, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Towards Intelligent Self-Optimisation in HPC I/O}{Exascale10/EIOW satellite event, International Supercomputing Conference}{Leipzig, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Ganzheitliches Verständnis von Nutzungs- und Systemverhalten als Zugang zu effizienterem Hochleistungsrechnen}{Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing}{Paderborn}
  • \myPub{2012}{EXIOS – Unified Exascale I/O System}{SPPEXA applicant colloquium}{Bonn, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Simulating Parallel Programs on Application and System Level}{International Supercomputing Conference}{Hamburg, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Towards a Unified Exascale I/O System}{IS-ENES I/O Workshop}{Hamburg, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{WiP: Simulating Application and System Interaction with PIOsimHD}{PDP 2012}{Munich, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Modeling the I/O Path with a Functional Representation of Parallel File System and Hardware Architecture}{PDP 2012}{Munich, Germany}
  • \myPub{2011}{Towards an Energy-Aware Scientific I/O Interface}{EnA-HPC 2011}{Hamburg, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Visualization of MPI(-IO) Datatypes}{ParCo 2011}{Ghent, Belgium}
  • \myPub{2010}{Collecting Energy Consumption of Scientific Data}{International Conference on Energy-Aware High Performance Computing}{Hamburg, Deutschland}
  • \myPub{}{Ansätze zum Monitoring hierarchischer E/A-Systeme}{ZKI-Arbeitskreis Supercomputing}{Hamburg, Germany}
  • \myPub{2009}{Tracing Internal Communication in MPI and MPI-I/O}{PDCAT 2009}{Hiroshima, Japan}
  • \myPub{2008}{Bottleneck Detection in Parallel File Systems with Trace-Based Performance Monitoring}{Euro-Par 2008}{Gran Canaria, Spain}
  • \myPub{2007}{Performance Evaluation of the PVFS2 Architecture}{Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing}{Naples, Italy}
  • \myPub{2006}{Performance Analysis of Parallel File Systems}{CluStor 2006}{Heidelberg, Germany}
  • \myPub{}{Migration and Load Balancing Within PVFS2}{CluStor 2006}{Heidelberg, Germany}