Zoya Masih
Zoya.masih@gwdg.de |
Zoya has a Ph.D. in mathematics, and currently is doing her second Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. Julian Kunkel in the field of computer science at GWDG in which she is working on HPC.
Research Interests
- Machine learning
- Deep learning
- Mathematical problem solving
- Monitoring/Analyzing parallel I/O
Open Thesis Topics
Understanding I/O behavior in HPC systems, for AI workloadsApply
Improving I/O performance is critical for optimizing the overall efficiency of HPC systems. Enhanced I/O performance leads to faster data processing, which is crucial for AI workloads that require quick and efficient handling of large datasets. The first step to have a good performance, is a good understang of that, and therefore the project should focus on Analyzing different I/O metrics in HPC systems and/or developing models to predict I/O performance, especially under the pressure of AI workloads that are data-intensive and have unique I/O patterns.
- On comparative results concerning the Grundy and b-chromatic number of graphs, Zoya Masih (PhD Thesis), Advisors: Manouchehr Zaker, 2021-10-12, BibTeX
- Gröbner bases and combinatorics for binary codes, Zoya Masih (Master's Thesis), Advisors: Hossein Sabzrou, 2014-09-21, BibTeX
- A Comparison of the Grundy and b-Chromatic Number of K2,t -Free Graphs (Zoya Masih, Manouchehr Zaker), In Graphs and Combinatorics, pp. 16, Springer Link, ISSN: 1435-5914, 2023-01-27 BibTeX URL DOI PDF
- Some comparative results concerning the Grundy and b-chromatic number of graphs (Zoya Masih, Manouchehr Zaker), In Discrete Applied Mathematics, pp. 1-6, Elsevier, ISSN: 0166-218X, 2022-01-15 BibTeX URL DOI PDF
- On Grundy and b-Chromatic Number of Some Families of Graphs: A Comparative Study (Zoya Masih, Manouchehr Zaker), In Graphs and Combinatorics (37), 2021-01-01 BibTeX URL DOI
All publications as BibTex