Jonathan Decker
Jonathan is a scientific employee of the Georg-August-University of Göttingen and a PhD student of Julian Kunkel.
He takes the role of a system architect and is focused on designing systems that enable new and novel ways of utilizing Cloud and HPC resources, while also being efficient, secure and scalable. Most notably, he strives to combine HPC with Kubernetes.
ORCID: 0000-0002-7384-7304
Research Interests
- Kubernetes
- Serverless
Summer Term 2025
Autumn Term 2024
Summer Term 2024
Autumn Term 2023
Summer Term 2023
Autumn Term 2022
Summer Term 2022
Open Thesis Topics
Fixing Shortcomings of Kubernetes Severless TechnologiesApply
Serverless Computing or Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) has emerged as a new paradigm for computing over the last few years. There exists a number of open source FaaS platforms based on Kubernetes as the container orchestration platform maps well to the components required for FaaS. However, most approaches to FaaS are still relatively naive and leave many performance improvements on the table. This work focuses on said limitations and aims to solve at least one of them and implement a proof of concept. Finally, the performance improvements should be benchmarked in a virtualized environment and on the HPC system.
- The Potential of Serverless Kubernetes-Based FaaS Platforms for Scientific Computing Workloads, Jonathan Decker (Master's Thesis), Advisors: Dr. Julian Kunkel, 2022-01-31, BibTeX URL
- A Quantitative and Qualitative Comparison of Machine Learning Inference Frameworks (Egi Brako, Jonathan Decker, Julian Kunkel), pp. 7 to 13, SCALABILITY 2024, Valencia, Spain, ISBN: 978-1-68558-216-6, 2024-11-17 BibTeX URL
- Chat AI: A Seamless Slurm-Native Solution for HPC-Based Services (Ali Doosthosseini, Jonathan Decker, Hendrik Nolte, Julian Kunkel), 2024-08-02 BibTeX URL DOI
- DECICE: Device-Edge-Cloud Intelligent Collaboration Framework (Julian Kunkel, Christian Boehme, Jonathan Decker, Fabrizio Magugliani, Dirk Pleiter, Bastian Koller, Karthee Sivalingam, Sabri Pllana, Alexander Nikolov, Mujdat Soyturk, Christian Racca, Andrea Bartolini), ACM, Computing Frontiers, ISBN: 979-8-4007-0140-5/23/05, 2023-05-09 BibTeX DOI PDF
- Performance Evaluation of Open-Source Serverless Platforms for Kubernetes (Jonathan Decker, Piotr Kasprzak, Julian Kunkel), In Algorithms, MDPI, ISSN: 1999-4893, 2022-06-02 BibTeX URL DOI PDF
All publications as BibTex