Jakob Hördt

Jakob is a research assistant in the group of Julian Kunkel. He has a Master's degree in computer science from University of Göttingen.

  • Distributed Systems
  • HPC

Developing an Inference Engine with WebGPUApply

WebGPU is an emerging graphics API for modern GPU use in the browser. In this thesis the potential of it for AI inference directly in the browser is explored.

Utilising Apache TVM to speed up AI inferenceApply

Apache TVM is a machine learning compiler framework. In this work, the performance of it is evaluated with respect to alternative options.

Evaluating network protocols for AI inferenceApply

The defacto standard API for LLM inference tasks is the OpenAI API. However, it is not optimal with regard to performance and other characteristics. In this work, other existing and novel protocol designs for common AI inference tasks are explored and evaluated.

  • An HPC FaaS Runtime based on HPX and Modern Lightweight Isolation, Jakob Hördt (Master's Thesis), Advisors: Prof. Dr. Julian Kunkel, Sven Bingert, 2023-09, BibTeX URL

All publications as BibTex

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