Table of Contents

BoF: Analyzing Parallel I/O


Parallel I/O performance can be a critical bottleneck for applications, yet users are often ill-equipped for identifying and diagnosing I/O performance issues. Increasingly complex hierarchies of storage hardware and software deployed on many systems only compound this problem. Tools that can effectively capture, analyze, and tune I/O behavior for these systems empower users to realize performance gains for many applications.

In this BoF, we form a community around best practices in analyzing parallel I/O and cover recent advances to help address the problem presented above, drawing on the expertise of users, I/O researchers, and administrators in attendance.

The primary objectives of this BoF are to: 1) highlight recent advances in tools and techniques for monitoring I/O activity in data centers, 2) to discuss experiences and limitations of current approaches, 3) to discuss and derive a roadmap for future I/O tools with the goal to capture, assess, predict and optimize I/O.

The BoF is held in conjunction with the Supercomputing conference. The official announcement is listed here.

Date 17.November 2022
Time 12:15pm - 1:15pm CST
Venue C146, see the SC schedule for details

The BoF is powered by the Virtual Institute for I/O and ESiWACE 1).


The BoF is organized by


We have a series of (8 minute) talks followed by a longer discussion:

Speakers (sorted by their lastname)

ESiWACE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 823988