Extreme Programming

This is an extracurricular activity that fosters your programming skills and algorithmic thinking, and communication skills regarding programming. These capabilities are often key to yield high-profile jobs from, e.g., Silicon Valley companies like Google.

The club to which everyone – both, little or significant programming skills – is welcome, aims to:

  1. boost your programming confidence
  2. prepare you better for potential future jobs and programming competitions
  3. show that the algorithmic problem solving is fun!
Venue Virtual, blackboard + Teams
Meetings Weekly, Tuesday. 14:00-15:00
Mailinglist https://hps.vi4io.org/mailman/listinfo/club-extreme-programming
Contact Dr. Julian Kunkel

Generally, the agenda for the meetings is as follows:

  1. we discuss the problems that have been issued in the last meeting, having one of you present the approach/a solution, potentially me to provide suggestions/solution approach.
  2. two new problems are introduced (one easy and one hard). These problems are to be solved alone or in teams that you may form using the programming language of *your choice*.
  3. we discuss the coarse-grained solution to these problems
  4. we discuss a data structure or algorithm, perform live coding of a problem, etc.

There is room to discuss your own programming issues or ideas.
